About Us
CME Engineering Group, D.P.C. (CEG) is a registered Design Professional Corporation authorized by the New York State Education Department Office of Professions to provide Engineering services since 2003. Dedication, Excellence, Creativity, Timeliness and Integrity, are the foundational characteristics and building blocks of the firm.
Geotechnology, geo-structural and geo-environmental practices, applications and construction are often misunderstood and misconstrued by those that are outside the geotechnical engineering profession. Add these to the inherent uncertainty of the underground conditions, and significant risks inure to a project. CEG is highly experienced in designing and executing subsurface exploratory investigations, conducting engineering evaluation, identifying the underground risks and uncertainties, as well as clearly communicating and reporting their likely effect on the proposed improvements and construction program. CEG works in concert with the Design Team to develop solutions, project delivery, controls, tolerances and cohesive construction documents to help assure a successful outcome for all stakeholders.
CEG works with Owners, Structural Engineers, Architects and Specialty Contractors to reduce risks associated with uncertainties in the ground. We thrive in becoming an integral part of the design and construction team, and endeavor to provide geotechnical solutions that are practical, efficient and economical, in a timely manner during the planning and design phases, and contemporaneously during construction phase.
The CEG team is continually evolving by teaching and attending continuing education seminars, enrolling in advanced geotechnical courses and through researching new technologies, both in design and construction. CEG’s geotechnical experts combine their empirical experience with analytical modeling using computer software, to optimize a design or solution within the cost and schedule restrictions set out by the Project Team and Owner.
Delivering excellence with integrity is CEG’s priority, not just to win Clients, but as a second nature! More than 90% of CEG’s Clients are repeat customers. Please give us a call on your next project and allow us the opportunity to put CEG’s knowledge and experience to work for you!

CEG’s principal engineers, licensed to practice in NY and several surrounding states, possess one to four decades of professional experience gained from responsible charge on more than ten thousand projects.
With backgrounds and education encompassing the practices of civil engineering, construction management, geotechnical and environmental engineering, CEG’s principal engineers bring comprehensive understanding, analytical mathematics, construction technology
and geotechnics together with teamwork and internal quality assurance to identify, address and solve the difficult problems commonly encountered with respect to economically overcoming adverse subsurface conditions. CEG will always communicate in a timely and effective manner to assist and guide the Project Design & Construction Team to consensus such that a proactive solutionand management plan is implemented.